From a recharge cards supplier to an end-to-end solutions provider
FutureCard was founded in 2002 as the pillar company of ENPI Group (Emirates National Plastic Industry) with the mission of producing recharge cards to telecom operators. In no time, the company became a certified payment cards manufacturer for both MasterCard and Visa.
Over the years FutureCard has continued significant expansion of its territories and product portfolio ranging from payment cards, IDs, transport and access cards, telecom cards, commercial cards, and all kind of smart cards. In 2018, FutureCard opened the door to a new full-fledged manufacturing and supply chain facility with an additional monthly capacity of 10 million smart cards.

Our journey from being a simple recharge cards manufacturer to a global smart solutions provider for all kind of cards, secure documents, payment and banking systems, government related systems as well as brand protection is proof of our unwavering development in terms of technology and innovation.
In view of that, end of 2019 we became part of Toppan (Nikkei 225 – TYO: 7911), the Japanese global leader in printing & security. FutureCard has been acquired by Toppan Gravity, the investment platform of Toppan Leefung – a wholly-owned subsidiary of Toppan. The acquisition makes FutureCard together with Toppan one of the forerunners in the payment, transport and ID markets while enhancing the group’s business growth and performance.