Cutting-edge, high-volume card issuance
Toppan Gravity’s Central Issuance System is designed to issue high quality, standardized cards for payment and banking purposes. Our Central Issuance System is an end-to-end high-volume card issuance solution for all kind of EMV cards. It covers sophisticated data preparation systems integrated with Hardware Security Modules (HSM) for secure key management. In addition to this, it includes the generation of Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) and mailers.
Our professional staff, rigorous security controls, state-of-the-art machinery, and decades of experience enable us to offer all types of fulfillment which cater to the needs of all industries. We provide our clients with a variety of choices and creative designs that complement their card production and add more secure elements.

Explore our Key Features

Key Features
- High volume card issuance solution for financial cards
- Solution certified by PCI / DSS, and all major payment schemes
- Comes with preloaded payment schemes profiles and issuance scripts
- Ease of use through basic production mode
- High modularity allows ordering of selected elements and full customization according to customer’s needs
- Efficiency and robustness for high volume card issuance
- Flexible licensing module
- End-to-end support from solution design, through to production and installation
- Proven track record thanks to more than 10 years operational experience